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Yield Consortium: Agriculture and remote sensing from space

The Yield consortium uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to reliably predict agricultural yields. In collaboration with BASF Digital Farming, John Deere, and MunichRe DFKI develops predictive models for selected arable crops in the focus regions of Europe, South and North America. Later models will extend to other relevant crops and growing regions.

About AI satellite collisions and Earth Observation

In an interview with Eliane Eisenring from Trivadis Marlon Nuske provides insights to the AI4EO Solution Factory and other DFKI projects (only in German).

BMBF project FloReST

The project FloReST focuses on measures to increase the resilience of urban infrastructure in case of heavy rainfall and flash flood events. (only in German).

AI4EO - ESA and DFKI launch innovation factory for AI in Earth Observation

ESA InCubed and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) have signed a contract to support a new development initiative focused on Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation (AI4EO). The three-year programme will involve setting up an innovation seedbed where DFKI’s AI experts will collaborate with major industry players on new EO business cases.

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